Low-Temperature Specific Heats ofαCuSnandαCuZnAlloys

The specific heats of copper, of five copper-tin alloys of up to 6.2 at.% tin in copper, and of one alloy of 2.7 at.% zinc in copper have been measured between 2°K and 4°K. The electronic specific-heat coefficient γ for the copper-tin alloys can be expressed as a function of electron-per-atom ratio ea by the relation γ=(0.700±0.003)+(0.17±0.04) (ea1) in units of mJ mole1 °K2. The value of γ=0.705 for the one CuZn alloy is consistent with the above relation. The value of d(lnγ)d(ea)=0.24±0.06 agrees with d(lnγ)d(ea)=0.33±0.10 calculated from earlier measurements on CuZn alloys by Veal and Rayne. Both of these results disagree with a value of d(lnγ)d(ea)=0.94 obtained from measurements on CuZn alloys by Massalski and Isaacs. The Debye temperature is a linearly decreasing function of ea as expressed by the relation ΘD=(344.7±0.8)°K(188±9)(ea1)°K. All errors are 95% confidence limits.