Phylogenetic relationships of Triticum tauschii, the D genome donor to hexaploid wheat

Isoelectric focusing of seed esterase (Est-5) isozymes in 79 T. tauschii accessions from diverse sources revealed the presence of six different seed esterase phenotypes. In one of these phenotypes, exclusive to a var. meyeri accession (AUS 18989), no detectable enzymatic activity was observed. Segregation in crosses between T. tauschii (Dt) accessions confirmed three of the seed esterase phenotypes to be alleles of the designated Est-D t5 gene locus; the inheritance pattern of these isozymes was not affected by the subspecies differences between the parents. On the bases of variation in Est-5 and their Glu-1 and Gli-1 gene loci (in a previous study in this series), only three strangulata accessions showed consistent homology with their prevalent gene expression in the D genome of hexaploid wheat. The implications of these observations for further interpreting the phyletic nature of the D genome donor in natural hexaploid wheat synthesis are also reported.