Myocardial composition and function in diabetes. The effects of chronic insulin use.

This study was undertaken in an animal model of mild diabetes to determine if provision of chronic insulin replacement during postprandial hyperglycemia may modify the abnormalities of myocardium. Group 1 served as controls with normal glucose tolerance by intravenous testing. Two additional groups were made diabetic with low doses of alloxan. Diabetic animals of Group 2 were untreated (n = 6). Group 3 animals (n = 6) received regular insulin daily to reduce postprandial hyperglycemia. After one year with maintained body weight, the animals were studied in the intact anesthetized state using the indicator dilution technique for left ventricular volume determinations. Basal left ventricular function and contractility were similar to normals in both diabetic groups. During intraventricular infusion of saline, end-diastolic pressure rose to higher levels in untreated diabetes (14.8 +/- 2 mm Hg) than normals (8.8 +/- 0.84), despite similar basal levels. Insulin treatment was associated with higher filling pressures than in group 1 as well as reduced end-diastolic volume response. Collagen concentrations were enhanced an average of 50% in layers from the inner to outer myocardium in both untreated and treated diabetics, associated with sodium and water accumulation. Since hypertrophy was not present, the diminished compliance appeared related to increased collagen levels. On electron microscopy, the subcellular organelles of the cardiac cell appeared normal in both diabetic groups. Thus, collagen accumulation and abnormal myocardial function in this model of diabetes is not affected by control of postprandial hyperglycemia, but a potential role for sustained hormone replacement is not excluded.