Eight intrabony lesions in four patients were removed en bloc 3 to 8 months after periodontal flap debridement. At the time of debridement, the position of the gingival margin and the most apically located calculus were notched to serve as reference points. All lesions received “Synthograft®” implants and lesions healed uneventfully. Even though these were severely involved periodontal sites, clinical measurements at time of block removal demonstrated gingival recession (average = 2.9 mm) and a gain in clinical closure (average = 2.6 mm).Histologically, graft particles were present in each specimen. They were walled off by collagen and did not appear to enhance new attachment nor did they induce an inflammatory infiltrate. Thus, they seemed to act as nonirritating fillers. Microscopically, closure of the lesions demonstrated repair with limited evidence of new connective tissue attachment. Histologic expression of the clinical gain in closure was the result of closure by long epithelial adhesion (long junctional epithelium) and possible linkage of dentinal collagen with gingival fibers at areas of dentinal resorption. These variations in closure were often seen within the same clinical site.