Planar semiconductor lasers using the photoelastic effect

Planar separate-confinement, double-heterostructure, single-quantum-well photoelastic GaAs/AlGaAs lasers have been fabricated using a novel yet practical processing technique involving thin-film surface WNi stressors for waveguiding and ion implantation for isolation. A p++-GaAs contact layer regrown by chemical beam epitaxy has been used to improve the WNi ohmic contacts to the lasers. Even without bonding on heat sinks, these planar photoelastic lasers operate at continuous wave at room temperature. The lowest threshold is 29 mA for a cavity length of 178 μm and a stressor width of 5 μm. The internal quantum efficiency above threshold is 75%. The characteristic temperature is 114 K. The main waveguiding mechanism of the photoelastic lasers is determined to be weak index guiding with the beam waist in the junction plane measured 10 μm behind the end facet.