Common cattle grubs, Hypoderma lineatum (de Villers), were observed in the backs of a small herd of Hereford cattle for 2 yr. at Camp Bullis, Texas, and for 4 yr. after the herd was moved to Kerrville, Texas. In both locations, grubs were present in the backs of cattle in the fall-winter season: at Camp Bullis, grubs were found 1st in Nov.; at Kerrville, grubs were found 1st in Sept and in peak numbers in Nov.-Dec. The average number of grubs in the herd varied from year to year, a reflection of the differences in activity and/or populations of common cattle grub adults and in the susceptibility of the cattle. At Camp Bullis, most of the herd were older cows; at Kerrville, most were 1-4 yr old. The average number of grubs in cattle was related to age as follows: calves 19.8 yearlings 27.5, 2- to 5-yr-olds 14.0-15.1, and cows (estimated 4-15 yr old) 5.2. No significant decrease or increase in susceptibility of cattle to Infestation by cattle grubs occurred the year following the year in which grubs were controlled in cattle with systemic insecticides.