Dermal Application of Ten Systemic Insecticides to Cattle for the Control of the Common Cattle Grub13

In small-scale field tests in Texas, the following systemic treatments gave >80% control of the common cattle grub, Hypoderma lincatum (de Villers), in cattle: Bayer 37342 (O, O-dimethyl O-[4-(methylthio)-3,5-xylyl] phosphorothioate) as a pour-on of 1 oz per hundredweight (cwt) of a 15.5% water emulsion; coumaphos as a pour-on of ½ oz per cwt of a 4% commercial pour-on formulation; fenthion as a spray of 1 gallon (gal) per animal of a 0.25% suspension or 2½ gal per animal of a 0,25% emulsion; runnel as a pour-on of 2 oz per cwt of a 10.2% oil suspension or 10% water emulsion; Ruclene® (4-tert-butyl-2-chlorophenyl methyl methylphosphoramidate) as a pour-on of 1oz per cwt of 4-8% water suspensions, water emulsions, or oil suspensions or an 8% commercial pour-on formulation. and as sprays of 1 quart per animal of a 2% emulsion or 1-1½ gal per animal of a 0.5% suspension or emulsion; Shell Compound 4072 [2-chloro-l-(2.4-dichlorophenyl) vinyl diethyl phosphate] as a spray of 1 gal per animal of a 0.25% suspension; and trichlorfon as a pour-on of 1 oz per cwt of 7.75-15.5% water solutions or as a spray of 1 quart per animal of 4% water solution and 1-1½ gal per animal of 1.5% water solution. Treatments giving O, O-dimethyl S-phthalimidomethyl phosphorodithioate) as a spray of 1 gal per animal of a 0.25% suspension; Nemacide® [O-(2,4-dichlorophenyl) O, O-diethyl phosphorothioate) as a pour-on of 1 oz per cwt of a 15.5% oil or water emulsion; ronnel as a pour-on of 2 oz per CWI of a 10.2% water suspension; and Stauffer R-2371 [S-bis (p-chlorophenyl) methyl O, O-diethyl phosphorodithioate) as a pour-on of 1 oz per cwt of a 15.5% water emulsion.