Possible resolution of theBππ,πKpuzzles

We show that there exist uncanceled soft divergences in the kT factorization for nonfactorizable amplitudes of two-body nonleptonic B meson decays, similar to those identified in hadron hadroproduction. These divergences can be grouped into a soft factor using the eikonal approximation, which is then treated as an additional nonperturbative input in the perturbative QCD formalism. Viewing the special role of the pion as a qq¯ bound state and as a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson, we postulate that the soft effect associated with it is significant. This soft factor enhances the nonfactorizable color-suppressed tree amplitudes, such that the branching ratios B(π0π0) and B(π0ρ0) are increased under the constraint of the B(ρ0ρ0) data, the difference between the direct CP asymmetries ACP(πK±) and ACP(π0K±) is enlarged, and the mixing-induced CP asymmetry Sπ0KS is reduced. Namely, the known ππ and πK puzzles can be resolved simultaneously. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.83.034023 © 2011 American Physical Society