Antimykobakterielle Aktivität von Isoxyl

Isoxyl (4,4[image]-Diisoamyloxythiocar-banilide) inhibits growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis at concentrations of 0.5-2.0 [mu]g/ml of the liquid medium. Cross resistance occurs between isoxyl and Conteben, but not between isoxyl and ethioniamide as well as most of the commonly employed tuberculostatics. In mice a good anti-tuberculous effect of isoxyl was found in infections with strains sensitive to isonlazlde as well as strains resistant to isonlazide, streptomycin, para-aminosalicylie-acid (PAS), Viomycin, cycloserine, ethioniamide and pyrazinamide. Dosages of 100 and 500 mg/kg of isoxyl are far superior to 50 mg/kg. The latter is an inadequate as PAS at 500 mg/kg. The effect of 100 mg/kg isoxyl is very similar to 50 mg/kg ethioniamide, but lower than 10 mg/kg isoniazlde.