The chromatographic analysis of ribonucleic acids was improved to give an overall accuracy of [plus or minus] 1%. The nucleic acid is hydrolyzed with N HC1 at 100[degree] for 1 hour or at room temp, for 18 hrs., giving the bases and nucleotides,respectively. Directions are given for running the chromatogram. After locating the spots by u.-v. fluorescence, they were analyzed by common micro-analytical technics. Values were compared with analytical values obtained by direct analysis and values were found to agree closely. Values for turnip yellow mosaic virus nucleic acid were: adenine 0.62, guanine 0.46, cytosine 1.04, uracil 0.61[mu]mol./mg. Tomato bushy stunt virus showed molar ratios of adenine, 0.995, guanine 1.12, cytosine 0.875, uracil 1.01.