Mössbauer spectroscopy of the 26-keV γ-ray transition in Dy161 was employed to study nuclear hyperfine interactions in Ising-like DyPO4. Single-crystal and polycrystalline samples were studied over the temperature range 1.8T300 K, which included the Néel temperature TN=3.39 K. For 0T10 K the spectra could be analyzed in terms of a "static" S=12 spin Hamiltonian H=AzIzSz+(A2)(I+S+IS+)+P[3Iz2I(I+1)]. The measured components of the magnetic hyperfine tensor parallel and perpendicular to the tetragonal c axis are, respectively, Az2=831±4 MHz and A=14±5 MHz. This is the first reported measurement of an A term in Mössbauer studies of dysprosium compounds. Using the known ionic g-factor component, gz=19.32±0.01, we calculate k=Az2hgz=43.0±0.2 and hence g=0.3±0.1. The ratio of quadrupole parameters for the excited and ground nuclear states of Dy161 is PePg=0.986±0.003 with Pgh=60.3±0.6 MHz. For T10 K the spectra are relaxation broadened and can be described well using the time-dependent Hamiltonian