Urosonography in Spinal Cord Injury Patients

Ursonography, ultrasound of the urinary tract, is a noninvasive imaging method used to evaluate renal masses, renal parenchymal disease, hydronephrosis, bladder volume and calculi. The applicability of ultrasound was studied in 54 spinal cord injury patients by correlating uroradiological examinations with ultrasound. Emphasis was placed on ultrasonic imaging of ureterectasis and vesicoureteral reflux. Ultrasound confirmed all positive radiographic findings of renal and bladder abnormalities (renal calculi, chronic pyelonephritis, trabeculated bladder and bladder calculi) and yielded additionali information in 27% of the kidney and 13% of the bladder studies. Ultrasound was used to confirm vesicoureteral reflux in 56% of the patients and ureterectasis in 33%. Spinal cord injury patients should undergo a baseline excretory urogram followed by periodical ultrasound examinations to detect hydronephrosis, renal parenchymal disease, as well as renal and bladder calculi and to measure bladder volume and residual urine. Whenever real-time equipment and experienced ultrasonologists are available, ultrsound can be used as an altenrate to voiding cystourethrography to detect vesicoureteral reflux.