Erythrocyte Preservation. VIII. Metabolic Degradation of Nucleosides In Vitro and In Vivo1

After being taken up by erythrocytes, inosine undergoes enzymatic phosphorolysis to yield ribose-1-phosphate and hypoxanthine. The hypoxanthine diffuses outward into the plasma during storage equilibrium is reached with that inside the cells. Adenosine is converted rapidly to inosine during storage and is utilized through the same metabolic pathway, with the resultant increasing concentration of hypoxanthine in the plasma. Guanosine is utilized similarly with the exception that guanine is the purine base which accumulates in the plasma. The intravenous administration of inosine indicates that the hypoxanthine is oxidized further in vivo to uric acid. Likewise, guanosine infusion results in increased concentrations of uric acid in the blood serum.