In order to elucidate the mechanism of oxidation of fatty acids in vivo, rabbits were injd. with 2 branched-chain fatty acids, 2-propyl-myristic acid (C17), and 2-propyltridecanoic acid (C16), respectively. In the 1st instance, the diabasic acid 2-propyladipic acid (C9) was isolated from the urine, in the 2d instance a mixture of 2-propyl-glutaric acid (C8) and 2-propylpimelic acid (C10)-According to these findings the fatty acid chain 1st undergoes [omega]-oxidation to dibasic acid, followed by repeated beta-oxidation, which, e.g., in the case of 2-propylmyristic acid occurred 4 times and thus shortened the chain by 8 C.

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