Evaluation Of An Informational Brochure For Promoting Charter Boat Trip Opportunities Along The Oregon Coast

This study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of an informational brochurefor increasing awareness, interest, and participation in charter boat trip opportunities. A brochure was developed based on multi-attribute models of decision making and was distributed to tourists at four major access points to the Oregon Coast. To determine whether the brochure would influence trip participation decisions, one group of tourists received brochures, the other did not. Subjects from both groups were later contacted by telephone to determine whether they had taken a charter boat trip. Subjects who had received brochures were also queried about other evaluative measures of the brochure. The brochure did notpositively or negatively affect charter trip participation, but did positively influence the other evaluative measures. The brochure appears to be effective only in increasing awareness of charter trip opportunities.