A rapid HPLC technique was developed to separate estradiol epimers. In order to improve the sensitivity of the detection, a radioitmmunoassay was used. Estrone, estradiol-17α and estradiol-17β were separated within 20 min using 10 ml of chloroform: acetone (90:10), as the mobile phase. The efficiency of the technique was assessed with 3 steroids and the assay of collected fractions with antlsera specific to each estrogen. Using a non-specific radioimmunoassay, profiles of endogenous estrogens in different biological fluids (blood plasma, milk, urine) were obtained. The efficiency of HPLC as a separation method and the high sensitivity of radioimmunoassay as a detector allows us to obtain profiles of estrogens from biological samples where steroid concentration is below lOOpg/ml.