Solid and cystic papillary neoplasm of the pancreas: A clinico‐cytopathologic and immunocytochemical study of five new cases diagnosed by fine‐needle aspiration cytology and a review of the literature

We report here on five new cases of solid and cystic papillary neoplasm (SCPN) of the pancreas diagnosed by fine‐needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). All cytologic samples were obtained by ultrasonography, and the smears were conventionally fixed and stained. Special histochemical and immunocytochemical stains were also performed in some samples. Cytology revealed in all but one case numerous pseudopapillary structures composed of fibrovascular stalks lined with one or more layers of bland‐appearing, uniform tumor cells. The tumor cells had round‐to‐oval euchromatic nuclei with frequently folded smooth contours and one or two small nucleoli. Their cytoplasm often contained eosinophilic, PAS‐positive, and diastase‐resistant inclusions. Foamy cells, psammoma bodies, blood, and cellular debris were found in the background. The criteria for the differential diagnosis versus other pancreatic lesions are discussed in some detail, as is the role of immunocytochemistry (ICC). In the literature, only 28 cases of cytologically investigated SCPN have been reported to the best of our knowledge. The most helpful criteria for the conclusive identification of SCPN by FNAC include the pseudopapillary arrangement with bland‐appearing tumor cells, and, especially, the finding of acidophilic, PAS‐positive, and diastase‐resistant cytoplasmic granules.