Ion-implanted optical waveguides in KTaO3

Optical waveguides have been formed by helium‐ion implantation in KTaO3. The implantation forms a confinement barrier near the projected range of the ion by decreasing the refractive index as much as 16% for ion doses of 4×1016 ions/cm2. This is the highest refractive‐index change yet reported for ion‐implanted crystalline planar waveguides. Guiding modes (with moderately low loss) are produced without the need for annealing out of color centers. During annealing studies, the index change reduces during an anneal stage near 400 °C, but waveguiding is maintained even after anneals to 900 °C. Loss measurements indicate a planar‐waveguide loss of <1 dB/cm after a 400 °C anneal.

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