Extrinsic self-trapping and negativeUin semiconductors: A metastable center in InP

A fascinating electron-irradiation-induced defect (the M center) in n-type InP has been reported recently. Two entirely different capacitance transient spectra can be obtained for this center in the same sample (a pn junction diode) depending upon its bias condition during the cool down to the initial measurement temperature (~ 30 K). We present a conceptually simple configuration-coordinate model that explains the unusual properties of this center. In our model the metastable center can exist in either of two configurations, one which displays a very large lattice relaxation, and another ordinary (no anomalously large lattice relaxation) configuration. Photoionization rates have been measured for the defect levels of the two different defect configurations as a function of photon energy. These data are used to confirm the qualitative properties of our model and to determine its parameters. Classification of the M-center behavior within the general context of selftrapped configurations is proposed.