Linear Polarization of the ContinuumγRays Feeding High-Spin Yrast States inDy151,152andEr156158

We have measured the linear polarization, Pγ, of continuum γ rays for Dy151,152 and Er156158 produced through (S32,xn) reactions. We find that Pγ0.35 for Eγ<~1.2 MeV in the rotational Er nuclei and, in contrast, that Pγ0.05 for Eγ<~1.0 MeV in the oblate Dy isotopes. This, taken together with the spectrum shapes of the contiuum γ rays, suggests a rather direct feeding of the yrast states by statistical cascades. The Dy data for 1.0<~Eγ<~1.5 MeV indicate collective rotations at spin I>40.