Vasoactive substances in subchondral bone of the dog knee

The purpose of the present study was to investigate regulatory mechanisms for subchondral bone blood flow. A model including elevation of joint cavity pressure in the immature dog knee was applied. The role of prostaglandins in bone blood flow regulation was indirectly examined by indomethacin blockade. In six puppies, both venous tamponade of the joint cavity [50% of the mean arterial blood pressure(MAP)] and arterial tamponade (150% of MAP) resulted in a significant increase in the intraosseous pressure of the distal femoral epiphyses (p < 0.05). During venous tamponade no changes were registered in pO2, pCO2, pH, potassium, and lactate in blood withdrawn from the distal femoral epiphyses. Arterial tamponade resulted in hypoxia, a decrease in pH, and increased lactate. Inhibition of the prostaglandin synthesis did not alter this response pattern. Thus, the present study suggests the presence of a regulatory mechanism for subchondral bone blood flow since venous tamponade did not significantly alter intraosseous gas tensions, pH, lactate, or potassium in spite of elevated venous outlet resistance. The study does not allow any conclusion as to the exact nature of the regulatory mechanism, but local metabolic regulation is likely to be involved as indicated by accumulation of vasoactive substances at higher tamponade levels. Prostaglandins are probably of minor importance in this regulation.