Biaxial-strain effect on excitonic transitions E0 and E0+Δ0 in the temperature range 4.5–200 K and Zeeman splitting in ZnSe/GaAs epilayers

Identification of heavy-hole and light-hole excitonic transitions is made by reflectivity and magnetocircular dichroism in strained metal-organic vapor-phase-epitaxy-grown ZnSe/GaAs epilayers with a thickness range between 0.10 and 0.78 μm at 4.5 K. The observed splitting of the exciton transitions due to the lattice mismatch is constant up to 200 K. It is explained by the very small variation (<2%) of the lattice mismatch strain in this temperature range. Zeeman splitting of ‖±3/2,±1/2〉 and ‖±1/2,∓1/2〉 transitions are measured at 5.5 T and effective g values g3/2=-0.24 and g1/2=0.57 are determined.