Extremity bone tumors: evaluation by P-31 MR spectroscopy.

High-resolution P-31 MR spectra were obtained in four patients with bone tumors of their distal extremities. In one case the tumor, a Ewing sarcoma of the tibia, was investigated during clinical remission after radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The other three cases-one low-grade chondrosarcoma of the tibial head, one malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the tibia, and one chondroblastoma of the medial femoral condyle-showed clinically active tumor growth, with corresponding increased metabolism as demonstrated by bone scintigraphy. The spectra of the three active tumors indicated a comparably high adenosine triphosphate content, similar to previously published spectra from animal tumors or human tumors implanted into animals. There were also high resonances of inorganic phosphate and low resonances of phosphocreatine; there were definite peaks in the phosphodiester and phosphomonoester regions, indicating the existence of these metabolites in the tumors. Slight but definite changes in the metabolite content were observed in one tumor after chemotherapy. The spectra of the unaffected leg did not show any well-resolved P-31 signals, which is typical for healthy bone. These are the first P-31 MR spectra of human bone tumors measured in patients to our knowledge.