3.4 V operation power amplifier multi-chip IC's for digital cellular phone

GaAs power multi-chip IC's (MCIC's) operating at 3.4 V for digital cellular phone have been successfully developed, employing a double-doped heterojunction FET (HJFET). The MCIC's can deliver an output power over 31.2 dBm with a power added efficiency of 45% in the frequency range from 940 to 956 MHz, and from 1429 to 1453 MHz, respectively. The MCIC's have low distortion characteristics, and the adjacent channel interference level of the /spl pi//4-shift QPSK modulation is -50 dBc at the 150 kHz apart from the center frequency. The package size is having a total volume of only 0.4 cc, half of 14.2/spl times/11.2/spl times/2.4 mm that for conventional power amplifier MCIC's. The MCIC's will contribute to realization of compact cellular phones.

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