Pantothenic Acid Antagonists

Different preparations of ω-methylpantethine varied greatly in their inhibition indices. These differences could be detected by microbiological tests, but not by chemical analyses or physical tests. The pantothenic acid antagonists reported here were only temporary inhibitors of the growth of most micro-organisms investigated. ω-Methylpantothenate tends to inhibit the utilization of pantothenate, while ω-methylpantethine tends to inhibit the utilization of pantethine. None of the antagonists investigated produced a pantothenate deficiency in rats. ω-Methylpantothenate and ω-methlylpantethine were inactive both as antagonists and as growth factors replacing pantothenic acid. Pantothenylaminoethane and pantothenylaminoethanol were good antagonists of pantothenate in micro-organisms, but had pantothenate activity in rats.