Chemical and Sensory Changes Associated with Microbial Flora of Mediterranean Boque ( Boops boops ) Stored Aerobically at 0, 3, 7, and 10°C

The development of a microbial population and changes in the physicochemical and sensorial characteristics of Mediterranean boque ( Boops boops ), called gopa in Greece, stored aerobically at 0, 3, 7, and 10°C were studied. Pseudomonads and Shewanella putrefaciens were the dominant bacteria at the end of the storage period, regardless of the temperature tested. Enterobacteria and Brochothrix thermosphacta also grew, but their population density was always 2 to 3 log 10 CFU g −1 less than that of pseudomonads. The concentration of potential indicators of spoilage, glucose and lactic acid, decreased while that of the α-amino groups increased during storage. The concentrations of these carbon sources also decreased on sterile fish blocks inoculated with strains isolated from fish microbial flora. The organic acid profile of sterile fish blocks inoculated with the above-mentioned bacteria and that of naturally spoiled fish differed significantly. An excellent correlation ( r = −0.96) between log 10 counts of S. putrefaciens or Pseudomonas bacteria with freshness was observed in this study.