Multistable orientation in a nematic liquid crystal cell induced by external field and interfacial interaction

The effects of a short-range, arbitrary strength interfacial potential on the magnetic field, electric field, and optical field induced Freedericksz transition in a nematic liquid crystal cell are examined and the exact solution is obtained. By generalizing the criterion for the existence of a first-order optical field induced Freedericksz transition that was obtained previously [H. L. Ong, Phys. Rev. A 28, 2393 (1983)], the general criterion for the transition to be first order is obtained. Based on the existing experimental results, the possibility of surface induced first-order transitions is discussed and three simple empirical approaches are suggested for observing multistable orientation. The early results on the magnetic and electric fields induced Freedericksz transition and the inadequacy of the usual experimental observation methods (phase shift and capacitance measurements) are also discussed.