Semiflexible planar polymeric loops

Two‐dimensional polymeric loops of N hard disk monomers are subject to a bending rigidity κ. The mean square radius of gyration 〈R2G〉, mean area 〈A〉, shape parameter Σ=〈R2Gmin〉/〈R2Gmax〉, and specific heat are studied as a function of N and κ. Scaling behavior is governed by the combination yN/κ when N, κ→∞. In the rigid limit, y→0, 〈R2G〉 scales as N2 and 1–Σ varies as yψ with ψ=1/2. Conversely, in the soft limit, y→∞, 〈R2G〉 scales as y−ω with ω=2(1−ν)=1/2 and Σ→0.39. The scaling domain is extended beyond the soft limit by using a nonlinear scaling field incorporating an effective rigidity κ̃(κ).