Idiotypic Lymphocytes in the Rabbit: Occurrence and Nature of Idiotypic Lymphocytes in Normal and Hyperimmunized Rabbits

Rabbits were hyperimmunized with Micrococcus lysodeicticus [Micrococcus luteus], leading to homogeneous antibody responses. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were taken from the rabbits before and monthly (during 3 mo.) after the start of the immunization. The cells were stored frozen. Lymphocytes were tested with anti-idiotypic conjugates for the presence of surface idiotypic structures. The nature of the idiotype-positive cells was determined with respect to the presence of Ig[immunoglobulin]M or T[thymus-derived]-cell antigenic determinants on their surface. A sharp rise and fall in the percentage of idiotypic lymphocytes was found, ranging between 1/40,000 and 1/1000. Initially almost all idiotypic lymphocytes were IgM-positive. In the blood taken 2 mo. after the start of the immunization, 20% of the idiotypic cells belonged to the T cell population; 10% were negative for IgM and T cell antigenic determinants.