Control of Resistivity of Polycrystalline Si Films by Solid-Phase Recrystallization (SPR)

The effect of the grain size after solid-phase recrystallization (SPR) on the resistivity of polycrystalline Si (poly-Si) films was investigated in detail. SPR poly-si films were obtained by amorphization by Si ion implantation and by subsequent recrystallization by low-temperature furnace annealing. Resistivity could be precisely controlled by choosing the doping concentration and by full amorphization and recrystallization at a fixed temperature. This was due to the controlled increase in grain size and the decrease in trapping state density per unit volume. An advanced model on the resistivity was proposed in which the resistivity dependence on the dopant concentration was well explained. It was indicated that the grain boundary of SPR poly-Si films exhibits the same electrical characteristics as that of as-deposited films.