Shell structure of theA=6ground states from three-body dynamics

Three-body (αNN) models of the He6 and Li6 ground states are used to investigate their shell structure. Three models for each nucleus are considered: simple, full (nn), and full (np) for He6, and simple, full (0%), and full (4%) for Li6. The full models in both cases are obtained by including the S12, P12, and P32 partial waves of the αN interaction, whereas the simple model truncates to only the strongly resonant P32 wave. The He6 full models distinguish between use of the nn or np parameters for the S01 NN interaction, while the Li6 full models have either a pure S13 NN interaction (0%) or a S13D13 interaction that leads to a 4% d-wave component in the deuteron (4%). These models are used to calculate the probabilities of the orbital components of the wave functions, the configuration-space single-particle orbital densities, and the configuration-space two-particle wave function amplitudes in jj coupling with the nucleon coordinates referred to the alpha particle as the "core" or "center of force." The results are then compared with those from phenomenological and realistic-interaction shell models. Major findings of the comparison are the following: None of the shell models considered have a distribution of orbital probabilities across shells like that predicted by three-body models; the orbital rms radii from three-body models indicate an ordering of the orbits within shells, i.e., p12 outside