Sucrose and Monosodium Glutamate Taste Thresholds and Discrimination Ability of T1R3 Knockout Mice

Molecular and behavioral studies have identified heterodimers of the T1R family as receptors for detecting the tastes of sweet (T1R2 + T1R3) and umami (T1R1 + T1R3). However, behavioral studies have reported conflicting findings with T1R3 knockout (KO) mice. One study showed a complete or nearly complete loss of preference for sweet and umami substances by KO mice, whereas KO mice in another study showed only a partial reduction in preferences for sucrose and monosodium glutamate (MSG), the prototypical umami substance. The present experiments used psychophysical methods to assess how sensitive T1R1-KO mice are to sucrose and MSG and discrimination methods to determine if these mice could distinguish between the tastes of sucrose and MSG. Detection thresholds of T1R3-KO mice and wild-type (WT) C57Bl mice were nearly identical for sucrose and MSG. Mice of both genotypes were easily able to discriminate between the tastes of sucrose and MSG. When amiloride (a sodium channel blocker) was added to all solutions to reduce the taste of Na+, discrimination accuracy of both genotypes of mice decreased but more so for the T1R3-KO mice than the WT mice. However, even when the sodium taste of MSG was neutralized, both genotypes could still discriminate between the two substances well above chance performance. These results suggest that sucrose and MSG can be detected by taste receptors other than T1R2 + T1R3 and T1R1 + T1R3 and that the conflicts between the previous studies may have been due to the methodological limitations.