Radiation damage in InP single crystals and solar cells

This paper shows that InP solar cell is more radiation resistant than Si and GaAs solar cells. 60Co γ-ray irradiation damage in InP solar cells was examined. Changes in minority carrier diffusion length and carrier concentration in irradiated InP single crystals were also investigated by electron beam induced current and capacitance-voltage methods for solar cells. A high carrier concentration p-InP substrate has lower concentration damage. Thus, an InP solar cell with a higher carrier concentration substrate has superior radiation resistance. Experimental results for radiation damage in InP solar cells were in satisfactory agreement with theoretical values, calculated from changes in minority carrier diffusion length and carrier concentration due to irradiation. Numerical analysis suggests that an InP solar cell with a higher carrier concentration substrate and a shallower junction should be relatively more radiation resistant. Annealing behavior for radiation damage in InP was also examined.