Radiation response of heteroepitaxial n+p InP/Si solar cells

The effect of 1 MeV electron and 3 MeV proton irradiation on the performance of n+p InP solar cells grown heteroepitaxially on Si (InP/Si) substrates is presented. The radiation response of the cells was characterized by a comprehensive series of measurements of current versus voltage (I–V), capacitance versus voltage (C–V), quantum efficiency (QE), and deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). The degradation of the photovoltaic response of the cells, measured under simulated 1 sun, AM0 solar illumination, is analyzed in terms of displacement damage dose (Dd) which enables a characteristic degradation curve to be determined. This curve is used to accurately predict measured cell degradation under proton irradiation with energies from 4.5 down to 1 MeV. From the QE measurements, the base minority carrier diffusion length is determined as a function of particle fluence, and a diffusion length damage coefficient is calculated. From the C–V measurements, the radiation-induced carrier removal rate in the base region of the cells is determined. The DLTS data show the electron and proton irradiations to produce essentially the same defect spectra, and the spectra are essentially the same as observed in irradiated homoepitaxial n+p InP. From the DLTS data, the introduction rate of each defect level is determined. From the dark I–V curves, the effect of irradiation on the various contributions to the dark current are determined. The data are analyzed, and a detailed description of the physical mechanisms for the radiation response of these cells is given. The results enable a model to be developed for the radiation response of the cells.