Nachweis und Bestimmung von Glucosamin und Galaktosamin auf Papierchromatogrammen

The solvent system used had the following composition: pyridine: acetic anhydride: water: glacial acetic acid = 5:5:3:1 (v/v) in an atmosphere generated at the bottom of the chromatography tank by pyridine: acetic anhydride: water = 11:40:6. The chromatograms were developed with triphenyl tetrazolium hydroxide: for details refer to Fischer and Dorfel (Hoppe-Seyler''s Zeitschr. physiol.Chem. 297. 164 (1954)). Conditions for hydrolysis of naturally occurring glucosamine and galactosamine-containing substances were investigated. If necessary, defatting was 1st carried out. The material was then allowed to soak in concentrated HC1, and finally hydrolyzed for 4 hours at 100[degree]C in 7 N HCl. The 2 substances are separated on the chromatograms from interfering substances, so that analysis of protein or polysaccharide-containing materials is possible.