B- to Z-DNA transition probed by oligonucleotides containing methylphosphonates.

The simulation of the B-Z-DNA transition by using space-filling models of the dimer d(C-G) shows the possiblity of hydrogen-bond formation between the N-2 amino group of the partially rotated guanine and one of the 5''-phosphate oxygens of deoxyguanylic acid. To probe the importance of this postulated interaction, analogs of the hexamer d(C-G)3 were synthesized. These analogs contained a methylphosphonate linkage, of distinct stereochemistry, which replaced the first 5''-phosphate linkage of deoxyguanosine. The CD spectra in high salt concentration showed that the hexamer containing a methylphosphonate linkage with the RP stereochemistry formed Z-DNA to the same extent as d(C-G)3, whereas the hexamer containing a methylphosphonate linkage with the SP stereochemistry did not form Z-DNA. These results are consistent with a mechanism in which an interaction between the N-2 amino group of guanine and the prochiral SP oxygen of deoxyguanosine 5''-phosphate kinetically controls the formation of Z-DNA. A water bridge between the N-2 amino group of guanine and the 3''-phosphate oxygen of deoxyguanylic acid has been implicated in the stabilization of Z-DNA. To probe the importance of this water bridge, two additional analogs of the hexamer d(C-G)3 were synthesized. These analogs contained a methylphosphonate linkage, of distinct stereochemistry, that replaced the first deoxyguanosine 3''-phosphate. The CD spectra showed that the hexamer containing a methylphosphonate linkage of the RP stereochemistry underwent the transition to Z-DNA to the same extent as d(C-G)3, whereas the hexamer containing a methylphosphonate linkage of the SP stereochemistry underwent the transition of Z-DNA to a 35% lesser extent. Thus the water bridge involving the prochiral SP oxygen provides modest stabilization energy for Z-DNA. These studies, therefore, suggest that the B-Z-DNA transition is regulated both thermodynamically and kinetically through hydrogen-bond interactions involving phosphate oxygens and the N-2 amino group of guanine.