The hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate, propionate and butyrate by 12 sera was tested after 30 min. incubation of the sera with varying concns. of E 600 (p-nitrophenyl phosphate) and other inhibitors. The serum esterases may be separated into 2 distinct types; A, which is not inhibited by E 600 which hydrolyses p-nitrophenyl butyrate faster than acetate, and B, which is inhibited by 10-7 e E 600 and hydrolyzes the butyrate at the same rate or faster than acetate. Eserine has no effect on the activity, but Ni, Cu, p-chloromercuribenzoic acid and fluoride are inhibitory. Large amts. of type A are found in ferret, goat, rabbit and sheep sera, of type B in guinea pig and rat sera. Human and beef sera contain only moderate amts. of type A.