Induced transition probabilities and energies for the strongly coupled two-level system

An exact method of solution to the time-dependent wave equation for a system interacting with a sinusoidal field, which formally treats time and the phase of the field on an equal footing, is used to discuss (1) the importance of averaging the properties of a system over the phase of the applied field and (2) the nature and behavior of the characteristic exponents derived from the Floquet solution (with particular emphasis on the frequency-sweep experiment). The results for the Zeeman tuning experiment are used to resolve recent discrepancies in the literature which relate to the validity of Shirley's important result for the two-level average induced transition probability involving the derivative of the characteristic exponents with respect to the Zeeman splitting parameter ω0. The explicit calculations included in this work are for the single-photon two-level problem. Important implications can be inferred from them with respect to both the importance of phase averaging and the usefulness of the characteristic exponents as a quantitative means of obtaining resonance frequency shifts and half-widths for multiphoton and multilevel problems.