Factors Associated with Peer HIV Prevention Outreach in Drug-Using Communities

Peer education is a critical approach to HIV prevention. The current study evaluated 156 peer outreach educators 6 months after their 10-session training. Specifically, we examined factors associated with talking to network members about HIV-related topics as well as distributing risk reduction materials. Overall, current drug users were less likely to report engaging in HIV-related conversations in the prior month but were more likely to provide bleach to drug-using network members. Older participants (aged 41 and older) were more likely to report HIV prevention conversations, and women were marginally more likely to report providing condoms to network members. HIV-seropositive participants were significantly more likely to report talking to sex partners and family members about HIV. These data suggest that demographic characteristics, drug use, and HIV status are associated with HIV prevention conversations among network members. These characteristics should be considered when designing peer outreach HIV prevention programs.