Magnetic properties of compositionally modulated Fe/(Al,Ta,Ti,Ag,Cu) films.

Structual and magnetic properties of Fe/(Al, Ta, Ti, Ag, Cu) compositionally modulated binary multilayer films prepared by double target DC magnetron sputteringwere investigated. In all films, both Fe and nonmagnetic metal layers were crystallized and the preferred orientation direction of Fe layers was (110), independent of the kind of nonmagnetic metals. The interplanar spacing of α-Fe (110) plain depends slightly on the kind of nonmagnetic metals used. Large lattice strain exists in the Fe/Ti and Fe/Ta multilayers, while little lattice strain exists in the Fe/AI, Fe/Cu and Fe/Ag multilayers. The coercivities Hc of multilayer films decrease with increasing Fe layer thickness. The value of Hc depends on the kind of nonmagnetic metal; the minimum value Hc=0.25 Oe was given by the Fe/Ag multilayer films which exhibited the smallest lattice strain in Fe layers.

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