A Novel Repeated Sequence Located on the Bovine Y Chromosome: Its Application to Rapid and Precise Embryo Sexing by PCR

A novel repeated sequence specific to male cattle was identified and named S4. S4 is a highly repetitive sequence and is a 1.5 kb repeating unit that contains various internal repeated sequences. FISH analysis showed that S4 is localized on the whole long arm and the proximal region of the short arm of the Y chromosome. We found that a PCR primer set for S4 amplified a male-specific 178 bp product in addition to a 145 bp product common to both male and female cells. Although the origin of the 145 bp product is unknown, it acts as a positive internal control in practical embryo sexing. Due to the high copy number of S4, PCR required only 0.5 pg purified DNA for accurate amplification. This made it possible to reduce the amount of biopsy sample required for embryo sexing and thus result in less damage to embryos manipulated. These studies indicate that embryo sexing based on the S4 sequence is accurate and sensitive.