Thermal conductivity of arsenic single crystals from 2 to 300 K

Thermal conductivity of high-quality single crystals of arsenic has been measured along both the binary (K11) and trigonal (K33) directions between 2 and 300 K. A strong transverse magnetic field was used to separate the lattice (KL) and electronic (KE) thermal conductivity contributions. The lattice conductivity shows significant anisotropy with KL11 exceeding KL33 throughout the temperature range. Both lattice components show T2 behavior below 5 K, but increase more rapidly than T2 in the range 5<T<15 K before reaching maxima in the range 18-25 K. At higher temperatures the lattice conductivity is limited by phonon-phonon umklapp scattering. Below 10 K the electronic thermal conductivity is very sensitive to residual impurities. For T>20 K, KE is comparable for all samples and the carrier-phonon scattering is practically isotropic. Experimental values of the Lorenz ratio are significantly smaller than the Sommerfeld value, indicating that the carrier scattering is inelastic in the range 3-80 K.