Rand, P. 1978. Some Validation Data for the Achievement Motives Scale (AMS). Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 22, 155‐171. The AM Swas administered to 588 sixth grade Oslo children, 301 boys and 287 girls. Among other tests given were 6 verbal and 2 numerical tests, TASC, and a Lie/Defensiveness Scale. On the basis of achievement theory, scores on the AMS subscale for motive to seek success (M5) were predicted to be positively related to performance on the verbal and numerical tests, and scores on the subscale for motive to avoid failure (Mf) to be negatively related to those scores. The theory also leads to the assumption that the difference in performance between individuals high and low in motive scores would be clearest on tasks experienced as being of medium difficulty. The results show predicted and mostly significant relationships. Even when related to the tests of personality characteristics, the AMS shows promising qualities. TASC scores are related positively to Mf scores and negatively to Ms scores. The fact that AMS scores show negligible correlations with lie/defensiveness scores indicates that the risk of faked AMS scores may be small.