We extended the time of keeping whole blood at 20-24.degree.C to 15 h (overnight) after phlebotomy for preparing platelet concentrates. We have evaluated the in vitro characteristics of platelets and blood cells prepared from whole blood drawn into CPD-AD, an anticoagulant containing 0.4 mM adenine and 1.5 times more dextrose than CPD. We studied in vitro red cell and platelet function of blood cooled either within 4 h after collection or after a 15-hour delay. In vitro platelet function measured as hypotonic shock reaction, aggregation response to ADP and collagen and 14C-serotonin uptake were not significantly different after preparation and after a 5-day storage period. Units held at room temperature for 15 h after blood collection exhibited a level of 2,3-DPG that was 45% of that exhibited by red cells held for 15 h at 1-6.degree. C. All other in vitro parameters of red cell concentrates measured during 35 days of storage were not significantly different. Based on these in vitro data blood drawn into CPD-Ad might be kept up to 15 h at room temperature prior to refrigeration in order to prepare platelet concentrates.