Baryons are viewed as the two-body bound states, composed of a quark and a new pointlike object which can be regarded as two quarks glued together (diquark). The spin of the diquark can be either zero or one, and its charge is simply the sum of charges of the individual quarks that form the diquark. From the group-theoretical point of view the diquarks are regarded as spinors from the (reducible) representation 6 × 6 of the SU(6) group. We discuss the scaling properties of the diquark model and make a number of predictions concerning the scaling behavior of the invariant structure functions of the proton and the neutron target. We stress that the umbilical cord with the current algebra can easily be broken, and that most predictions of the diquark model can be obtained without reference to the Dashen—Gell-Mann program.

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