Multiple ribosome binding to the 5'-terminal leader sequence of tobacco mosaic virus RNA. Assembly of an 80S ribosome . mRNA complex at the AUU codon

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA with a long 5′-terminal leader sequence, as well as its isolated leader fragment (called Ω), can form disome initiation complexes with wheat germ ribosomes. The second ribosome of the disome complex is bound to the leader sequence, upstream of an 80S particle occupying the AUG-containing initiation site [Filipowicz and Haenni (1979) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 76, 3111–3115; Konarska et al. (1981) Eur. J. Biochem. 114, 221–227]. In order to identify the parts of Ω important for interaction with ribosomes, the 5′-terminally-labelled Ω was treated with alkali and the resultant fragments of different lengths were used in binding experiments. A 16-nucleotide-long fragment bearing the AUU sequence at the 3′ end is the shortest oligonucleotide capable of forming 80S complexes with wheat germ ribosomes. Full-length (73 nucleotides) Ω with AUG at 3′ terminus is the only RNA fragment supporting disome complex formation. Synthetic oligoribonucleotides were prepared for a study of 80S complex assembly at codons other than AUG. Hexadecanucleotide (A)13A-U-U and, to lesser extent, also (A)13A-U-C, (A)13A-U-A and (A)13A-C-G bind 80S ribosomes. Formation of the (A)13A-U-U · 80S complex is dependent on the presence of initiator Met-tRNAfMer Assembly of the 80S particle at the AUU sequence is not an artifact resulting from the terminal position of this triplet. (A)13A-U-U elongated with over 100 A resides still efficiently binds an 80S ribosome positioned, as established by ribosome protection experiments, at the AUU triplet. The present results support the notion that 80S initiation-like complexes can be formed at sequences containing AUU codons. The possible function of these complexes as intermediates in initiation of translation of some viral RNAs is discussed.