Modification of the Carmen-Faull-Pullar Racks for Free-Floating Serial Sections

The original staining racks designed by Carmen et al. (Stain Techn., 43: 157-60) have been redesigned to use inside plates of 0.06 inch thickness and outside (top and bottom) ones of 3/16 inch. The greater thicknesses permit freer circulation about the sections and avoid the need for outer clamps to hold the assembly together. As in the original racks acrylic sheeting has been used, but with 25 × 45 mm holes for sections in each plate. Ordinary fiberglass window screening was cemented to one side of each plate. The assembly of 12 inner and the 2 outer plates was held together by 2 bolts made of 1/4 inch acrylic rod. Since clamps on the edges of the assembly were not needed, smaller staining dishes could be used, with coincident economy in volume of staining solutions.