Posterior Tibial Nerve Conduction

THE DETERMINATION of human motor nerve conduction velocities according to the method of Hodes et al1 has become an established procedure in clinical neurophysiology. Normal values for the fastest conducting alpha motor fibers have been determined in a number of accessible peripheral nerves.2-24 The method of Dawson and Scott25 for recording human nerve action potentials has been used in the recording of a number of mixed nerve action potentials8,9,26-30 and also in the recording of both orthodromically8,9,26-28,31-33,36 and antidromically conducted33-35 sensory nerve action potentials in the upper extremity. Dawson26 demonstrated a small but statistically significant difference between the conduction velocity of afferent nerve fibers of the fingers coursing in the forearm and that of motor fibers in the forearm innervating small muscles of the hand. The fastest afferents conducted at a slightly greater velocity than the fastest efferents and the stimulation threshold