Measurement of Liver Blood Flow in Unanesthetized Dog Using the Bromsulfalein Dye Method

Liver blood flow was measured in 51 expts. on 14 unanesthetized dogs by use of the bromsulfalein dye infusion method. Blood samples were obtained through Vitallium cannulae previously placed on the portal and left hepatic veins. The mean blood flow value was 48.6, S. D. [plus or minus] 9.9 cc./kg/min. Plasma dye clearance and liver blood flow values were independent of the dye infusion rate. In acute prepns. the dye concn. in the left hepatic vein sample was representative of the concn. in the total hepatic blood outflow as collected from an isolated segment of the vena cava. During the constant dye infusion, loss of dye in urine or return of dye to the general blood stream via the lymph or by intestinal reabsorption of excreted dye were not significant sources of error in blood flow calculations.