Determination of the Residue at the Deuteron Pole in annpPhase-Shift Analysis

In an energy-dependent phase-shift analysis of all low-energy np scattering data below Tlab=30 MeV we reach χ2NDF=1.1, where NDF is the number of degrees of freedom. In our fit we determine the S matrix elements in the coupled S13+D13 channels, which allows us to compute the residue at the deuteron pole. Expressed in terms of the deuteron parameters, we find for the asymptotic normalization of the S13 state AS=0.8838(4) fm1/2 and for the asymptotic DS ratio η=0.02712(22). Compared with other determinations, there seems to be some indication for the presence of closed isobar channels and/or energy-dependent potentials in the deuteron system.